Monday, July 28, 2008

Overall Course Reflection

This class is one of the most beneficial IT class that I have taken so far. The assignments were very meaningful and did not feel as if they were busy work. I have learned many great resources that I would actually use when I become an instructor. For instance, I believe that communication is the key to students’ success. Therefore, I will develop a class Web site to store the syllabus, class schedule, upcoming projects, tests and exam dates, class notes, etc. I would encourage my students to access the Web site as often as possible so they would not miss critical information. I also learned how to create a WebQuest and found it to be quite interesting. I would also use the WebQuest to promote student-centered learning. This is a great resource that will help all students learn at their own pace.
The strongest points of the class are Dr. Yuen’s organizational skills and meaningful assignments. I believe one key to success in an online environment is an instructor who is very organized, communicates clear directions and instructions, and is consistent. I never had to figure out what I was supposed to do or when an assignment was due. The course information and materials were presented on WebCT and students were responsible for the assignments. Another strong point of the class is the meaningful assignments as discussed in the first paragraph.
I am planning to integrate the technologies that I learned from this course in the classroom. For instance, I will use GooglePages to develop an online Web site for my class. I will use EyeJot as a way to communicate with my students. This would be a great way to inform students of critical changes or clarify a point from a class lecture. I would use WebQuest to reinforce learning concepts that were taught in class. Additionally, WebQuest is an excellent tool that would help students master the learning goals and objectives. Overall, I would use many of the technologies learned in IT 648 for future classes.

Online Presentation - Reflection

This project was based on providing teachers with resources regarding Web page design. I decided to create an online presentation about Web page design based on its potential impact that it can have on students. As a former classroom teacher, it is important to maintain organization in a class and effective communication with students and their parents. Web page design is a great resource that can provide teachers with a personal class Web site for their students. Teachers can maintain a class Web site with many great resources, such as the syllabus, class schedule, projects, homework assignments, and much more. Additionally, it is also great for parents to access the class Web site to see what their students are doing in a specific subject.

Overall, I enjoyed creating the PowerPoint presentation and uploading it to I can see many great benefits for using this free online resource in the future. For instance, I can conduct a face-to-face workshop and then upload the presentation for other individuals to access. I n fact, I actually did a SlideShare for Dr. Yuen’s IT 780 class in spring 2008 regarding my proposal defense. When I checked on it recently, there were approximately 300 hits. I will continue to use SlideShare in the future to share some other ideas.

Link to my SlideShare:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Video Message with Eyejot - Reflection

This was a very unique project! I am camera shy and do not like to take pictures at all. Furthermore, I do not enjoy being recorded by a video. But, the many strange things that people will do when it comes to a grade. I felt awkward sitting in front of the camera and having to record a short memo. Although I did not know what I was going to talk about, the one minute flew by. Therefore, I would have to say that this project was not that difficult to complete and was pretty fun. I can see how I would use this in the future as an instructor. For instance, I can send students their assignments through Eyejot. I believe that sometimes it is easier to explain to students how to do an assignment verbally opposed to written instructions. If I decide to take advantage of Eyejot, then I would more than likely have to pay a fee in order to speak longer than one minute. Overall, this was a fair assignment.

Link to my Eyejot:

WebQuest - Reflection

The WebQuest assignment is one of the most fascinating projects that I have completed so far in my IT minor. I believe that this is a technology tool that I can use in the future when I become an instructor. At first, it was somewhat difficult to get started because I could not think of an idea. After I thought of an idea, it was easy to brainstorm different points I wanted to include on each page.

So, I started with one large unit plan and began to construct individual lessons that could be included in the WebQuest. I located several websites that would be useful for students to complete their assignments. After including several smaller assignments, I thought about a culminating activity that would help students to bridge each assignment together. The idea is for students to walk away with a sense of they had learned something new and at the same time be proud of their finish product. Thus, students would be able to showcase their hard work using SlideShare.

Link to WebQuest:

Interactive Timeline on circaVie - Reflection

This assignment was quite entertaining as I reflected on my relocation from South Carolina to Mississippi. It was not a difficult assignment to complete and was straightforward. Based on what I have learned so far in my IT minor, I would have to say that I do not see myself using this technology tool as much in the future. On the other hand, I can recall as a seventh grade science teacher when I taught a lesson on the invention of microscopes. I required my students to create a timeline depicting the various types of microscopes and the inventors. Maybe, if I ever return as a K-12 teacher, I will ask my students to use circaVie to construct their own timeline. By the way, I would ask students to construct a timeline as an activity to complete during their first week back from summer vacation.

Link to my circaVie:

Personal Web Site - Reflection

This assignment is rated at the top of my all time favorite technology tools to use. It was a little time consuming because I had to plan everything out prior to creating the pages. After the planning phase, it was a matter of copying my document from MS Word and pasting it into Google Pages. This was extremely easy and user friendly. Furthermore, this project is a great marketing and PR tool to use when I go on job interviews. In fact, I can include a link on my CV so potential employers could access my Google Pages to learn more about me. Overall, I found this assignment to be very useful and something that I will continue to work with after I complete IT 648.

Link to Web site:

Web Blog - Reflection

I have prior experience constructing a personal blog. Therefore, I did not have many problems working on this assignment. Although, this was the very first time that I actually used BlogSpot to create my blog. I believe that in prior classes, I created several blogs using other websites. Anyway, I created the first posting to my blogfolio introducing myself and stating the purpose of having this blog. I think that this is an excellent technology tool to help me reflect on what I have done opposed to just totally forgetting it. Additionally, this blogfolio would help me in the future to remember some of the skills that I have acquired and to use those skills when I become an instructor. In other words, the blogfolio serves as evidence or documented proof that I have actually used various types of technology tools.